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Team Performance

Improving Team Effectiveness

In the forty years we have been doing team building, we have helped hundreds of teams be more effective. The best team interventions take place over time and multiple sessions, and focus on a specific set of skills or competencies.

We will work with you to design and implement team building sessions such as:

  • Problem-solving and decision-making
  • Lencioni’s 5 Dysfunctions of Teams
  • Team self-assessments such as Myers-Briggs, StrengthsFinder, or DiSC

With some clients we have linked team building with employee involvement and empowerment systems. Our work in the area of team building has included a range of small to large companies as well as organizations in both the public and private sectors.

Meeting and Retreat Facilitation

Creating Agendas and Managing the Group

No setting demonstrates the importance of group processes like an offsite meeting or retreat. We help you run high-quality meetings by establishing agendas and managing the group. When we facilitate for you, it allows you to participate in the program without having to worry about running it. Moreover, we have broad experience with organizations and can offer insights to help your group solve problems or make decisions. The best result when people say, “Wow, that was a good use of my time.”

Conflict Resolution and Mediation

Our Proven 5-Step Process

Conflict can occur at any level of an organization, between individuals or teams, and for a variety of reasons. Given the variability, we utilize a straightforward, five-step process to assess the circumstances and to develop a strategic plan to work toward resolution.

  1. Conduct Interviews: The first step is for the mediator to meet with the individuals involved to gain an understanding of the situation, the people, and the desired outcomes. This is also a good opportunity for the mediator to explain the mediation process, set expectations, and share ground rules.
  2. Make a Date: The second step is to schedule a time and place for the people in conflict to meet with the mediator. We usually set aside 3 – 4 hours even if we may not need the entire time. This length of time can be surprising to those involved, especially if they have no desire to spend that much time in the same room with the other individual. However, it sends a strong signal to all parties that we are serious about resolving disagreements.
  3. Make a Deal: In the third step, the mediator helps the people in conflict focus on a particular outcome or goal and find a path toward that goal that all parties can agree to. The key is establishing a business goal that acts as a focal point for the people in conflict. Additionally, it helps avoid the pitfalls of trying to agree on the history of the dispute or trying to “fix” the other person. This third step sets the stage for establishing the Mutual Action Plan.
  4. Record and Monitor the Mutual Action Plan (MAP): The MAP is the key deliverable of the conflict resolution session. As part of establishing the MAP, we ask both parties to identify in their own words the benefits that they will obtain by following the MAP.
  5. Follow-up: We follow up with the people in conflict and the supervisor to make sure that the MAP is working well, and to help the people in conflict make any adjustments needed in order for the MAP to be effective.

Interventions may include team sessions that work through the differences, trainings personalized to meet the needs of the situation, and individual coaching for specific individuals. For example, we offer a full-day workshop to train employees how to approach and resolve their own conflicts without waiting for a mediator.

We can also help with:


Leadership Development

  • Coaching
  • Leadership Development Programs
  • Managing Change


Operational Excellence

  • Organization Reviews
  • Employee Selection, Onboarding and Retention
  • Performance Management

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